Turning Gifts into Skills:
Developing your Intuition
During this seven week workshop we will be working with Angels and guides to enhance your innate intuitive gifts and turn them into practical skills. These skills will enhance your daily life, deepen your relationships and be a guiding force in challenging times. Together, we will co-create a class specific to the frequency of those gathered. Your questions and experiences will help guide the group.
Some of the topics we will explore include:
- Getting grounded—what does it mean and why is it so important?
- Connecting to angels, guides and guardians and building relationships with them.
- Spiritual hygiene, and tools for self-clearing.
- Your body is the best divination tool—how to connect to guidance in difficult times.
- Managing your sensitivity so that it’s an asset; how to turn on and off your heightened awareness.
- Crystals as helpers.
- Sending energy and the ethics of good intentions.
The class will meet on Zoom Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm EST:
March 2, 9, 16, 23
April 6, 13, 20
Classes will be recorded so you can listen at your leisure.
How to Register for this Event:
The total cost for this 7-week workshop is $333. It requires a $50 non-refundable deposit and only 12 places are available. Please email me for further information. It’s going to be a fun adventure!
Sliding scale available.